3 Examples
This section contains more elaborate examples of how to use Sketching.
All examples are available at https://github.com/soegaard/sketching/tree/main/sketching-doc/sketching-doc/manual-examples/.
If you find any mistakes in the examples, please make an Github issue at https://github.com/soegaard/sketching/.
I encourage you to submit your own examples.
If you lack inspiration, I’d love some help porting the examples on Processing Examples. The source for these examples can be found at Processing examples at Github.
The examples are divided into topics:
3.1 Color
The color examples are:
3.1.1 Hue
In color theory the concepts hue, saturation and brightness are used characterize the color. A hue such as red, yellow, etc. is what we in everyday language think of, when we hear the word "color".
Move the cursor vertically over each bar to alter its hue.